BtG Event Solutions spreads the green word in Russia

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greenmeetingsconf1Russia may not sound like the most green-minded destination… but DMC BtG is determined to raise awareness and create a green culture. And this means involving local players. With the help of GreenDestinationsGroup and a non-profit ecological society Musora.Bolshe.Net (“no more waste”) BtG is organizing a series of workshops about sustainable meetings. The series are planned in Novotel St.Petersburg Center – the greenest hotel in Russia.

The first one, on 10th of November, dealt with material management and involved recycling facilities, hauling services and ecological organizations to see how to facilitate recycling by hotels and restaurants.
One specific problem was that, though recycling services exist, they need a minimum amount of material to justify the route, and that amount is too high for a single hotel. Solution: during the workshop the hauling companies agreed to send a specific vehicle for each type of material, stop by several hotels located close to each other and take only specific materials at a time.
Other workshop will follow, on minimisation of waste, sustainable food, procurement, energy and water, air quality among others.

Author: Editor