Green Globe Certified Hamanasi Resort, Belize

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Utilizing their many years of business experience, the owners of Hamanasi Resort, have developed a range of training and development programs for their staff and related businesses. The newest training program to be conducted will be with tour guides who service the resorts guests.

Hamanasi Resort General Manager, Mr Andrew Usher said, ‘We are pleased to be able to deliver training and workshops for the inland tour guides. Our aim is not only to enhance our guests’ experiences, but also provide a real education.’
‘We will be bringing in archeological experts to provide more in depth information on cultural ancestry and the natural history of our unique tropical location.’
‘In addition we will be focusing on the basic safety issues associated with taking guests into wilderness areas. An intensive rescue and first aid training program will also be offered to all guides.’
Green Globe Certifcation CEO, Mr Guido Bauer said, ‘Hamanasi Resort has a long reputation, of providing quality skills training. From its own service quality programs through to resort management training and now additional tour guide training; these are all substantial investments by Hamanasi delivering professional and trade skills, while adding to the enjoyment and safety for guests.’
Founded in 2000, Hamanasi is one of the few resorts in Belize and possibly the Caribbean that offers both prestigious diving locations and lush jungle for hikes. This boutique resort located on the beach south of Hopkins is nestled between the Maya Mountains and the turquoise Caribbean Sea. Hamanasi runs a full-service dive shop, restaurant, bar and pool. Being a resort with only 21 rooms spread over 20 acres of land and holding a capacity of 60-65 people, these amenities present a challenge to being eco-friendly. But Hamanasi has embraced the challenge and succeeded in becoming Green Globe Certified.
Guests planning to visit Hamanasi Resort in Fall 2010 should also be aware of the ‘Back to School Backpack Project’.  Backpacks and school supplies are donated by Hamanasi guests and visitors throughout the year. Each September, the backpacks and supplies are donated to the schools and families in Sittee River and Hopkins.

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Author: Editor