Gdańsk Tourist Organization & Gdańsk Convention Bureau on the right track!

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On the 28th of June 2011 in new Hotel Focus in Gdańsk the meeting of Gdańsk Tourist Organization (GTO) and Gdańsk Convention Bureau (GCB) Members took place. During the meeting the financial and activities reports of 2011 were presented and approved. Anna Górska, CEO, presented the result of the financial audit which proved that the organization is managed very well.

The organization plans concentrate on the three main strategic goals of GTO and GCB, which are:
I. Gdańsk and Pomeranian Region in the head of Polish conference destinations
II. Integration of tourism activities and use of the massive events to promote tourism
III. Creation of effective tourism information system in Gdańsk.

To reach the first goal the main projects are: ‘ Business Tourism promotion as the trademark of Gdańsk and Pomerania’ and ‘Volunteers for Gdańsk’. Both project received the financing from the European Union. Among the main projects in the second goal are: Tourist Card, Gdańsk&love and Audioguide. In the third one: project called Welcome to Gdańsk.

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Before the meeting the GTO Board of Directors chosen the current CEO – Anna Gorska and Deputy CEO – Anna Bartoszewicz-Pajka for the second term. ‘Thank you for the trust’ – said Anna Gorska after the election. ‘We promise to do our best to manage the organization as good as we did so far’ – she added.

Members of the GTO thank Mr. Andrew Socik for the work he put to the Council of Gdańsk Tourist Organization.

We thank all members for the activ participation during the meeting.

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Author: Editor